Economic Decision-Making alongside a Robot

Cornell University, USA
January 2018 - January 2024
Collaborators: Alap Kshirsagar (Cornell), Bnaya Dreyfuss (HUJI), Guy Ishai (HUJI), Ori Heffetz (Cornell and HUJI), and Guy Hoffman (Cornell).

This project aims to study how people make decisions in the presence of robots when there are monetary rewards at stake.
This work is a collaboration between Behavioral Economists from Hibrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (HUJI) and Robotics Researchers from Cornell University, USA (Cornell)


Dreyfuss, B., Heffetz, O., Ishai, G., Hoffman, G., & Kshirsagar, A., Additive vs. Subtractive Earning in Shared Human-Robot Work Environments, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (JEBO), 2024
Kshirsagar, A., Dreyfuss, B., Ishai, G., Heffetz, O., & Hoffman, G., Monetary-Incentive Competition between Humans and Robots: Experimental Results, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2019